
Developing, planning, building and operating a large-scale, 2-stage biogas system

Thermophilic-mesophilic anaerobic stabilization (sanitized sludge compliant with the draft of the future EU Sewage Sludge Guideline), up to 30 m³/day of sludge from Bodenmais, Bavaria and other waste treatment plants are processed here. Start of operations: 2001

Utilization of the biogases for electric power generation in a communal heating/power station with an electric power output of 55 kW covers two-thirds of the electric power and heat demand of the waste treatment plant for the Bodenmais district.

2001 Environmental Prize of the Regen Rural District. The project was supported by the German Ministry of Education and Research, and was implemented in collaboration with the Institute for Residential and Industrial Water Management of Dresden Technical University (Institut für Siedlungs- u. Industriewasserwirtschaft der TU Dresden).
